Thursday, December 26, 2019

Effects of Long-Term Unemployment Insurance - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1776 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/05/31 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Unemployment Essay Did you like this example? Through econometric regression techniques, this research seeks to analyze data in regard to the effects of Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UI) extended beyond the initial allocation cap on Unemployment. This research will explore the extension of such benefits within the United States through the examination of original research in economics and government databases. This research will contribute to the current knowledge we have in regard to various social-welfare projects. Previous research on the subject contends the existence of basic unemployment benefits has a positive economic correlation in various areas; however, the data on extended benefit consumption has been varied. The analysis of data pertaining to individuals whose benefit has extended beyond 26 is expected to have correlated a negative impact. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Effects of Long-Term Unemployment Insurance" essay for you Create order History of UI Throughout history modern societies have been subject to economic cycles in which economic booms and down turns occur. In the United States we have seen many low cycles with the most notable down turns being the Great Depression of the 1920rs/30rs and more recently the Great Recession that occurred in 2008. During these times, the unemployment rate (calculated as the people out of work and actively looking for reemployment) generally rises. During the Great Depression of the 1920rs and 1930rs, the United States faced some of the largest unemployment numbers ever recorded in history. This economic devastation rendered many people without work, consequently the widespread economic suffering inspired the U.S. government to enact several social-welfare policies. One of these policies was use of Unemployment Insurance (U.I.) benefit programs to ease the intermediate burden of joblessness. U.I. benefits are intended for people whom have become unemployed through no fault of their own and meet particular eligibility requirements. The social-welfare program supplements the income of the unemployed person(s) while they are searching for other employment opportunities. The U.I. benefits are meant to lessen some of the immediate financial needs to cover essential bills and necessary costs of living (Perez 2015). Since its creation like many of the other social welfare programs, U.I. benefits have seen many changes in order to adapt to the current situational needs. In general, the maximum duration of U.I. benefit entitlement has been at or below 26 weeks. For the purpose of this research, however, we will examine data where economic recessions have forced the extension of such beyond the traditional amount. Purpose for Research Initiative The volatility of economic conditions provided by the interaction between world markets lends a great likelihood for economic declines. For this reason, it is relatively unavoidable to evade periods of increased unemployment rates which lends to the importance of deeper examination of the policies and benefits employed during such occasions. Due to the contradictive positive and negative correlative evidence previously presented by the various studies conducted on this policy, it is imperative further research be conducted to aid legislators in the decision-making processes. One of the more prominent arguments for continued U.I. benefits beyond traditional amounts is that they create an economic stimulus. In the short run, there is evidence to support this claim. According to former research U.I. benefits save jobs and prevent decreases in consumption initially (Furman 2013; Perez 2011). However, this cannot be a sustainable model. Keynesian economists believe government entities should transfer money to workers in times of economic downturns with the intention of such workers immediately spending it. This is beneficial because greater spending increases aggregate demand and thus stimulates the economy (Rustici 2015). Unfortunately, contributions such as Milton Friedman, have discredited Keynesian theories. It is seen that workers base their consumption decisions on their expected permanent income, not a fixed percentage of any income they receive, meaning prolonged U.I. benefits will see a diminishing return on society. Problems and Issues Unemployment can affect individuals, families, and communities in various ways that may contribute to prolonged unemployment and use of UI. Often times when individuals are out of work, their skills may degrade due to lack of use. That erosion of skill is known as depreciation of human capital. The longer a person remains out of work the more their human capital diminished, meaning as time passes that the potential wages the unemployed person meaning both the potential earning wage and the chances of finding a new job decrease the longer that they are out of work. Another disadvantage to unemployed persons is the depreciation of their ?social capital. A persons social capital consists of the network of business contacts and associates they interact with which often aids in finding desired employment easier. Other issues surrounding reemployment, in addition to the depreciation of skill and network, include the possibility that being out of work may affect a persons physical and mental health. The impact unemployment has on a familyrs ability to sustain childcare or standard of living may also contribute to prolonged unemployment and use of U.I. Model design and Data It is impossible to completely control the noted and various other inconsistencies that may contribute to unemployment duration. To protect the integrity of the results regarding the effect of extended U.I. on unemployment we have to control for such socio-economic factors and personal differentiation amongst the sample population using a regression equation. The data is compiled from showing Iowars Unemployment Insurance recipients and UI benefit payments for the years 2008-2011 along with various statistics from the Burau or Labor Statics regarding Iowa over the same years. We are looking to show a positive correlation between recipients of UI beyond the standard 26 weeks with longer unemployment durations than otherwise observed. The dependent variable is weeks of unemployment. The independent variables are: benefitspaid = recipients receiving less than 26 weeks; firsttimepayment = recipients receiving the full 26 weeks; finalpayments = recipients receiving UI beyond 26 weeks. To account for the socio-economic conditions the following dummy variables were set equal to 1: Sex, Age, Education. Findings For this particular dataset, the coefficient for initial UI payment does not contribute to prolonged unemployment. The coefficient for UI ending at the standard entitlement indicates that for every additional UI payment you can expect unemployment prolonging to increase by an average of 7. The coefficient for UI payment beyond the standard length of entitlement suggests an average increase in length of unemployment by 13.5. The dummy variables were omitted for multicollinearity problems. Unfortunately, the dataset used for this experiment is likely not applicable to the real world. The data set is biases and lacked appropriate control variables even though coincidently agreeing with some current literature. This regression experiment had room for improvement in which variables are best for creating a valuable model. As it currently stands, the model did not account for the fact that people using UI are unemployed and therefore will positively correlate UI with unemployment. This research essentially does not give new insights as to the effects of extended UI entitlements. Conclusions This research, in addition to the growing research surrounding this topic suggests extended UI benefit entitlement is positively corelated with weeks out of employment and thus has a negative societal economic effect in the aggregate. Further research on such UI polices is necessary as to answer the controversial conversation surrounding their benefit. Existing literature suggests UI may encourage the pursuit of low skill activities more so then they aid in workers finding gainful employment. This means that prolonged UI benefits make the labor force more vulnerable to skill biased shocks as human capital depreciation ensues. There also exist from previous research conducted on the topic, an association with the discouragement of gaining employment correlated with welfare entitlements. It is important to observe study and take seriously the impacts of welfare programs so that policy makers may one day successfully employ such benefits in a beneficial manner that renders low unintended consequential tax burdens. While of significant importance to human capital depreciation, prolonged unemployment from UI extension is not the only outcome that should continue to be explored and researched. The social capital and physiological side-effects are much less explored and have their own important impacts for society. If UI does in fact create an employment disincentive prolonged unemployment is positively correlated with negative socio-physiological increases, extended UI entitlement policies should not only not be enacted but may be of a danger to those using them and society as a whole. References Cuomo, M, Harnett, T. 1994. A History of Unemployment Insurance Legislation in the U. S. and New York State (1935-1989). N.p.: DIANE, 1994.Google Books. Google. Dellas, Harris. Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Human Capital Accumulation. NeuroImage, Academic Press, 11 June 1998, Furman, J, Stevenson, B. Dec. 5 2013. New Report: The Economic Benefits of Extending Unemployment Insurance. The White House. United States Government. Henry S. Farber, Jesse Rothstein, and Robert G. Valletta. The Effect of Extended Unemployment Insurance Benefits: Evidence from the 2012â€Å"2013 Phase-Out. American Economic Review. May 2015, Vol. 105, No. 5: Pages 171-176 Howell, D, Azizoglu, B. 2011. Unemployment Benefits and Work Incentives: The U.S. Labor Market in the Great Recession. Economic Policy Research. Iowa Economy at a Glance. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Iowa Unemployment Insurance Recipients and UI Benefit Payments by County (Annual)., 25 July 2018, Isidore, C. Sept. 8 2010. Do Unemployment Checks Keep the Jobless at Home?CNNMoney. Cable News Network. Murphy, G. C., Athanasou, J. A. (1999), The effect of unemployment on mental health. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72: 83â€Å"99. doi: 10.1348/096317999166518 Nichols, Austin, et al. Consequences of Long-Term Unemployment . Urban Institute, July 2013, Nicholson, Walter, and Karen Needels. Extended Unemployment Benefits: A Review of the Literature. July 2004, Perez, T. 2015. Unemployment Insurance U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Government. Perez, T. 2011.The Economic Impact of Unemployment Insurance. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Government. Pavoni, N. 2009. Optimal Unemployment Insurance, with Human Capital Depreciation, and Duration Dependence. International Economic Review 50 (2): 323-362. Repeat Use in the U.S. Unemployment Insurance System : Monthly Labor Review. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 Sept. 2014, Rustici, T. 2015. Macroeconomics. ECON 104. GMU, Fairfax. Lecture. Shirk, J., Tyrrell, P. Jan. 18 2008. Unemployment Insurance Does Not Stimulate the Economy. The Heritage Foundation. Solon, Gary. Labor Supply Effects of Extended Unemployment Benefits The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Spring, 1979), pp. 247-255 Tefft, N. 2011. Insights on Unemployment, Unemployment Insurance, and Mental Health. Journal of Health Economics30 (2): 258-264. Whittaker, Julie, and Katelin Isaacs. Extending Unemployment Compensation Benefits During Recessions. Congressional Research Service, 2 May 2013,

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

I Learn A Great Deal About How Conduct A Case Study Essay

I learn a great deal about how to conduct a case study. I gained insight into the struggles Aubri deals with daily. After the initial meetings, our many conversations, and the case study research I felt I knew Aubri much better. I now know why so many of my students struggle with organization and time management (AR 1.8, AR 3.2, AR 3.3). The whole process makes me look at all my students differently (AR 2.5.) Makes me want to be a better teacher, counselor, parent, wife, and friend. Research is empowering and a great educational tool (AR 7.1, AR 8.2). With the correct information, we would not erroneously blame behaviors on the wrong origins. Behavior is purposeful, it would serve all educators to find out what that purpose is. This case study cleared up many questions I had about Aubri, and why she was behaving the way she was. It also reiterated the importance of listening. Just by listening to Aubri I learned what the underlying problem was, but more importantly taking that time developed the relationship that we needed to do our best work. Time is precious, but so is Aubri. I wonder will I be able to spend this much time with a student as a counselor. I fear not, at my school the counselor is also the testing coordinator, something that I hope will change soon. I want my time as a counselor to be spent with students who need help with grades, peer pressure, behavior issues, or whenever things just are going well. I want to be theShow MoreRelatedThe Crime Scene Investigation Training1735 Words   |  7 Pagessignificance of how to avoid tampering with evidence and how to properly collect a sample. The men and women trainees have classroom tutorials on the subject as well as a hands-on interactive tour of a real life crime scene and how to collect samples. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Why Study Criminal Justice Essay Example For Students

Why Study Criminal Justice Essay Outline1 Introduction2 Constituents of the Criminal Justice System2.1 Law enforcement body2.2 The court2.3 Correction3 What to Expect As a Student of the Justice System3.1 a)  While in School3.2 b)  Your career path4 Conclusion Introduction Criminal justice is a comprehensive social science whose primary purpose is to bring offenders to justice and protect the innocent in society. If you are interested in this field of study, you have to lead by example to uphold the justice system. A criminal justice system is a series of several government agencies like the police, prosecution and defense attorneys, the court and prisons that together reinforce criminal law. Since all felonious cases are in the hands of the state, it takes a team to do this. Constituents of the Criminal Justice System This justice system is subdivided into three main parts. It is up to you to decide where you lie best depending on your interest. Law enforcement body We will write a custom essay on Why Study Criminal Justice specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It is made up of the police and detectives. Their primary role is to maintain law and order in society. In the case of unlawful acts, the police are supposed to investigate it and come up with sufficient evidence before it can become a case. The police also apprehend suspects. In cases where the accused are violent or dangerous, the police can be instructed to use force when arresting them or even shoot them on sight. The court The court is responsible for the settlement of disputes and serving justice. It constitutes of: The accused and their defense lawyer The prosecutor and their attorney The judge/ jury to issue a verdict Correction The correction body of a justice system has the responsibility of ensuring that those apprehended by the police and found guilty by the court are punished for their crimes and become better people thereafter. It includes the prisons, probation and correctional centers. What to Expect As a Student of the Justice System You may have heard a lot about the justice system and have different ideas on what is expected of you if you major in this field. How is it taught in campus – will you have to write piles of argumentative essays to score highly in academia or cramming the constitution is all that counts? Shall you practice as a parole officer, a legal secretary or the police with the most respectable titles in town? How long does it take to get a job in the police department? Do I need a degree to work in court? Wonder no more. a)  While in School You shall handle all sorts of topics in criminology, psychology, public administration, constitutional law, political science, and the likes. You should be prepared to be a role model with a high level of integrity, impartiality and critical thinking. It gets easier when you try to relate real-life examples of situations when studying the availed theories. Like any other course, you will need to write several essays as assignments and proposals. Your thesis statement for each has to be catch and well researched and written in the APA format. Attend all classes and take your exams seriously: the qualification paper you get from school is what you need to jumpstart your career in the court, the police unit or correctional department. You should not have a criminal record if you want to succeed in the criminal justice system – lead by example. As you have fun in school, do not be the police trainee who keeps appearing in the court for possession of illegal stuff or drunk driving and bribery. Practice the following qualities and skills: Integrity Patience Self-control Leadership skills Research and writing skills Critical and fast thinking Personal ethics Physical fitness Stress management Anger management Technology skills .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 , .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .postImageUrl , .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 , .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77:hover , .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77:visited , .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77:active { border:0!important; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77:active , .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77 .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua822259a0a4477073bc86c2bfe47da77:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Two Contrasting Organizations Tesco And Oxfam Commerce EssayWhile in school, ensure that you know each aspect of the government and master the roles of each part of the criminal justice system. Be well versed with all that is expected of the police and detectives in law enforcement, roles of attorneys and magistrates in the court and how to reform a convict. This is regardless of the topics you will specialize in. It is important to note that not all those who practice in the justice system went to college for this knowledge. The police, for instance, go to training school because this is more crucial. With a college education, you are likely to get higher salaries, be promoted in the police unit and actualize your brilliant ideas in the court. However, the experience is vital in this field. Dealing with felonious individuals and restoring sanity in the society needs more â€Å"do† than books. Get out there. b)  Your career path In recent years, movies and TV shows have made this career path look very interesting. In reality, it still is. What are you more interested in? The courts as an attorney/magistrate, the police system or are you more like a probation officer? Below are examples of the most common careers you can consider and become an expert in the criminal justice system: Private detective The Police Officer FBI agent Bloodstain patterns analysis The police/ sheriff’s parole officer Crime scene investigator Forensic psychology Forensic computer Ballistic expert Legal secretary The court clerk Paralegals Probation officer Prison Warden Parole officer You may be lucky to land a great job at the court or law enforcement agencies after completing your training and education. In most cases, however, an internship will be an excellent place to start. It will give you the exposure you need while still new in this career path. Be patient and learn while on the hunt for a job since the whole process may take 4-6 months. There are vacancies to be filled in the criminal justice system, but the hiring process is lengthy. It involves the following steps (depending on your line of specialization, it may go through some or all of the steps.): After applying for a job at the police department, correctional office or the court, you shall be required to provide your educational history and your criminal record history evaluated. Have every relevant paper ready. Your physical fitness shall be tested. It is thorough if you are in the law enforcement part of the justice system. The police, FBI, and correctional officers serve best when physically fit. A background investigation shall be conducted. You will be required to take a polarography and/or a psychological exam to test your sustainability and trustworthiness. Your personal life and employment history will also be looked into. If you qualify, you will be shortlisted and expected to appear before a board for an oral interview. If you pass, then congratulatory messages are in order. You just joined the justice system, and you are free to serve – be the police, warden, attorney – whatever you desired. Conclusion It goes without saying that the justice system is the most organized arm of the government. It is through it that law and order are enforced by the police, offenders and brought to trial and judged accordingly in the court and convicts are reformed. If you major in the justice system, you will need to be disciplined and match the standards set. You will be the face of the police department, the court system, the probation centers, name it, in all that you do. Abuse of office makes you one of the societal problems to the police needs to rid of. Be the best you can be.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Richard Essays - Richard Rodriguez, Cultural Assimilation, Hispanic

Richard Rodriguez Richard Rodriguez wrote in his essay, Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood, about the struggles he faced growing up as a bilingual Hispanic in American society. Throughout his essay, Rodriguez discussed such topics as assimilation and heritage. He goes into depth about the pros and the cons of being forced to assimilate to the American culture. Growing up Hispanic in America was a struggle for Richard Rodriguez. This was due to the fact that he was a Spanish-speaking boy living in an English-speaking society, and he felt like he was different than the other children. Rodriguez attended a Roman Catholic school where many of his classmates were the children of high-class lawyers and doctors. He felt out of place because he was a child of two immigrant, working-class parents. Assimilating to the American culture helped Richard feel more at ease among the other American students. In school, Richard spoke English, but as soon as he got home, Spanish was the language of choice. This had a positive and negative effect on him. By speaking Spanish, it helped Rodriguez preserve his own culture, but as a disadvantage, it yielded his learning of English. A few times Richard heard his parents speak English, but that was only in public. Rodriguez felt safe in his Spanish speaking home because it was familiar to him. English seemed odd and difficult for Richard until a few of Richard's teachers visited his house. They asked Richard's parents to encourage the use of English, by using it more themselves. As Richard began to hear English more and more, "the high, troubling sounds of los gringos" became unnoticeable to him(92). Learning English helped Richard to achieve many things. He began doing well in school, he made friends and he began to feel more comfortable talking to people. It also had a negative effect on him and his family. Richard stated, "I no longer knew what words to use in addressing my parents"(93). By speaking English so much, a gap grew between Richard and his parents. His parents mainly still spoke Spanish, and the children spoke English. He wanted to forget about his Spanish speaking days, and felt that his parents should also assimilate to the American culture. Rodriguez's change from Spanish to English, is one of the leading factors to his strong belief in assimilation. He feels that it is necessary to be assimilated to the culture you live in. This is due to the fact that Rodriguez had a harder time in life sticking with his own culture. As soon as he made the leap to the American culture, he began having a "normal" life. Although Rodriguez believes that assimilation is a necessary part of society, I would argue that family traditions and backgrounds are just as important if not more than conforming to a culture. I believe this is true because with assimilation, many lose their family background and heritage. Although I feel it is necessary to learn the language of the culture native to the region, I believe that people can maintain their native culture within another. I believe that Richard Rodriguez could have kept part of his Hispanic heritage and still become Americanized. Rodriguez feels that assimilation is necessary and because of this belief, he partially lost his family. He now has little contact with his parents, because he assimilated to a society different than his parents. The topic of assimilation is under much scrutiny today. Many Americans feel that they have a "supreme culture" and that anyone who lives in America should follow along with their beliefs, traditions and language. Americans have to realize that we are all made up of different cultures, backgrounds and races. No one culture is better than any other. Rodriguez stands strong on his opinion of assimilation of cultures as stated in his essay. This has its pros and cons. A pro of assimilation would be that it is quite a bit easier to live in a society if beliefs and traditions are the same. As I stated before, a major con is that your previous culture may be lost. Rodriguez demonstrated his point of view well through his writing. Though I don't agree with all that he has to say, I do believe that his argument was heard. Through his writing, Rodriguez stated not only facts, but also real life experience. This I feel is critical in writing a good essay, because then the writer truly knows what they are writing about. As stated before, the main point hit on in this essay was